Bernard Mangakahia


With over 20 years of performing, teaching, dancing, speaking and creating personal development programs, Bernard has developed a unique set of skills that has proven to be very valuable and effective.

At a young age Bernard travelled the world to discover his own heritage. He had a passion to understand the strengths, wisdom and knowledge of his ancestors. He believes once knowledge is gained, it must be passed on, in a creative, fun and respectful way.


Mana - The Spirit of Polynesia

  • Kinder
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Festivals


Travelling through Polynesian cultures including Native American Indian, New Zealand Maori, Hawaiian and Samoan, Bernard discovers with each the idea of family, challenges and pride.

Mana The Spirit of Polynesia embodies dance, music, multicultural themes, history, geography, the importance of learning about heritage and the power of self belief and respect.

MANA is the inner strength and confidence that comes from a sense of identity. Bernard Mangakahia inspires everyone to discover their own MANA.

If you students are studying “Whale Rider” Bernard can include a discussion on the film following his performance. Bernard also offers dance workshops.

Bernard is very popular as an Artist in Residence, where he can come to your school for a few days or a week and work with the students towards a concert of amazing dances and songs.

“An outstanding performance .. the BEST show ever.”
Princes Hill PS,VIC

Mana - The Spirit of Polynesia (New Zealand Only)

  • Kinder
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Festivals

Mana - for Kindergartens, Daycares and Early Learning Centres

  • Kinder

EYLF Outcomes:

– Help children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities

– Help children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect.

– Help develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation.

– Help children respond to diversity with respect.

Kia Toa - Resilience

  • Kinder
  • Primary

Bernard’s new show Kia Toa is based on his own experiences and the lessons
learnt from two very important members of his family.

Students will be captivated by Bernard’s stories and dances that encourage them to be courageous and overcome challenges and adversity.

The Race – an interactive action poem; keep going when you fall
The Fire Stick Story – have a go! learning and practice makes perfect
SaSa Ti Hiva – the power of the group
Samoan Slap Dance – some things are hard at first
Cotton On Activity – every challenge adds to your inner strength & resilience

KIA TOA demonstrates that success is achievable for everyone!

“The messages were so strong and inspiring. Messages that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. He connects so beautifully with the students. This is the 11th year we have had Bernard at our school, and his new show is every bit as good as his other show!”

Snug Primary School, TAS

Kia Toa - Resilience (New Zealand Only)

  • Kinder
  • Primary

Artist in Residence

  • Kinder
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Mana workshop program will motivate students to:

  • – Appreciate different genres of music
  • – Create self-esteem
  • – Have fun
  • – Cultivate an understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism
  • – Experience the power & excitement of dance & story telling, & the fun of movement & expression
  • – They will also develop courage as they perform in front of a live audience


Each class/grade will be taught one or two dances from Hawaii, New Zealand Samoa, Fiji or American Indian. Students will perform their dance in front of an audience (either in front of students or parents or both) – this is decided by the school.

Workshops will focus on the final performance; however, many more dances, songs and stories will be told, performed and taught for education and fun.

The timetable and schedule is all dependent on the size of the school/ classes, and the number of days booked with Bernard. He will work with you to fit this into your schedule.